Thursday, April 30, 2009
Play On
Excercise in the mall
The best medicare for you
Keisha taught me how to navigate in my friendster account
Make friends to people of different races
Daddy! here I come....
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I really like my about my TV right now, unlike before with limited channels and poor resolution. Now that I have a directv in my home, I get to watch my favorite movies and see Britney Spears almost 24 hours a day. Feel free to visit their site and have a quotation right now. The site is .
This site deserves to be in the Best Of The Best awards. I already nominated the site because of the product and I hope you guys as well nominate it for the Best Of The Best Awards and BoB awards as well.
Is it true there are jobs waiting abroad for Filipino applicants?
Perfect site for single moms
The battle between the east and west is what the whole world is waiting for
Playing it online
Creating a new business
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Who made that call?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Busy and Tired
Friday, April 24, 2009
Making my own computer table
Summer and Heat
Summer is here and when we speak of summer it is always associated with or synonymous to extreme heat and humidity. Most often people would go to beaches and bask in the heat of the sun, but others who can not with stand the sun's heat would most probably go to places with higher elevation where the atmosphere is cold. Others who decide to stay at home and spend their summer in the comforts of their home would probably experience excessive sweating and thirst. Thus a lot of household would seek the assistance of air conditioning repair man and have their own Des Moines HVAC-Air-Conditioning to eliminate the heat that is generated by the suns rays. Des moines HVAC-Air-Conditioning is the best their is and the most sought brand when it comes to air conditioning.
I myself have a Des moines HVAC-Air-Conditioning unit in my home and very much contented with its performance. It has been with us for the past two years now and no damage has ever occurred. Comparing other brands, some would have the tendency of creating noise specially when the unit aged but Des moines HVAC-Air-Conditioning does not create any squeaking sound.
cold sore
In this day and age, more people are becoming susceptible to viral conditions such as cold sores. Since cold sores usually appear on the face and around the mouth, the infected individual may become self-conscious about the outbreak. Often cold sores can be controlled by applying a few drops of pure tea tree oil onto the infected area at the onset. The oil will help to keep the cold sore from manifesting.
Playing safe
Thursday, April 23, 2009
One of the good business that I Like
My wife has not change
My wife is the prettiest woman I've ever met in my entire life. During our college years, since we were classmates I could boastly say that she was one of the prettiest girls in school. She is lanky, tall, with fair complexion and has a dazzling as well as tantalizing eyes that is accented with her long eyelashes. Her beauty has not fade as years pass though she gave birth to our two adorable kids. The only thing that has change a bit is her size. She gained weight and from a medium size to a plus size. This is inevitable to any woman that has given birth and has aged. Thus my wife would have some difficulties in a way, in looking for the perfect fit for her figure and often times would fall in Plus Size Dresses . She often surf the net for stores who offers plus size dresses. Since it is summer, I am planning to buy her a dress that would surprise her. I am planning to by floral print smock dress that has beautiful and colorful prints and an eyeglass to protect her eyes from the harmful rays of sun just perfect for this time of year. Though my wife gained a bit in her figure, my love and respect for my wife does not change in fact it has even grown stronger and deeper.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
New summer destination
Making friends through chat
During the old days, meeting and making friends from other countries is sometimes difficult and tiresome, this is because the technology and means of communication is far beyond from what we have now. Today meeting friends is very easy and is just a click away from you personal computer mouse. Aside from the modern era that we are in now is the birth of "messengers", one typical example of this is christians chat . Here you can meet a lot of people from different walks of life that you could get acquainted with and make friends.
Successful stories of finding the right person also happens in the virtual world through online chat and I can attest to this for a close friend of mine who happens to be in his early forties got married to a wonderful and lovely Irish woman who is in her late thirties. I was astonished to this for I was skeptical. I could not understand why would you fall in love to a person who you do not see nor feel, but it happened to my friend and my cocoon of skepticism was erased and believe in the power of magic and love.
plug ins
You probably noticed that most mainstream media websites have an “Email this article” link on most of their pages, right? Lately many blogs started employing this feature too. But how do you add that feature to your own blog? There are two plugins that you can use for that purpose.
The first one is called WP-Email. It will basically insert an “Email this article” link below your posts, and once the user clicks there he will be sent to a page where he just need to fill in the details to send the article to someone. Here is a screenshot of how that page looks like:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Landscaped lawn adds beauty to your space
Lovely garden at a cheaper cost
Your best guide to Web hosting
My garden ideas for volume production is very successful
Create your own t-shirt prints
Monday, April 20, 2009
Susan Boyle got talent
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Owning a house
I miss my Acer laptop already
I brought my laptop this week in a computer shop where I bought it because I have it checked. my laptop doesn't display anymore its screen and I have noticed a clicking sound. the computer technician of the Columbia computer center thoroughly inspected my unit and he diagnosed it that the hard disk of my laptop needs replacement because it can't be detected anymore. I leave my laptop in store for they are going to fix it and change its hard disk drive. I don't have to worry with the expenses and the cost of labor because it is still free for now because my unit is still under warranty. The technician told me that I have to wait a minimum of 1 week for they are going to order the parts needed from their mother company in Manila.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Make friends online
New business venture
Internet cafe is a good business
Dating the rich and famous
It is good when you are somebody most specially if you are rich and famous, you can have all the material things that you want to even men. Rich women who are looking for relationship congregates in and it is here that you could have a sugar momma dating .
Nettles are among the most nutritious of wild foods. When it is cooked, the sting disappears, leaving behind a delectable herb packed with more vitamins and minerals than you can imagine. It is truly a super-food and its healthful qualities are the ultimate medicine.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Keisha loves the High School Musical teen stars
My daughter Keisha loves to sing a song. Early this morning she asked me about her favorite singer/actress Miley Cyrus about their first single. I really don't know what to answer for I am not so familiar with the teen stars song, so what I did is we both surf the net over youtube and look for her videos. Keish is so interesting with the songs of Miley Cyrus and some other teen stars like Vanessa Hudgens and Sharpay of the High School Musical cast.
The best plumber in town
90 percent succesful on plant production
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Chatrooms for single parents
Men and women are social beings and there is truth to the old cliche that goes "No man is an island". We need others for us to survive and grow in this harsh environment that we are living. The day we are born we are very much dependent with our parents specially our mother for they are the ones that nurture us and provides us with the milk that we need in order to grow. As we mature and grow older, we need our friends an peers to have our identity and further more as we reach the adolescent age, we need someone love and give love in return with the opposite sex. How much more people who are single parent. It is very hard to rear a child without the presence of a dad or mom. Thus there's single parent chatrooms that provides the people to have a friend or more so a partner to have in life. All they have to do is meet that someone or special someone and get acquainted.
So if you are the one who needs someone to have or just looking for someone to have a plain chit chat. do visit chatrooms and make friends.
If you swim in a pool or drink water from your public water supply, you know the water has been disinfected by chemicals. But this process, which is often called "purifying" water, appears to not make water "pure" for the body.
shopping made easy
Shopping is the best way to treat your self after a long month of work and acquiring the things that would pamper or delight you would have a sense of fulfillment. But going to a Mall or grocery to get or buy the things that you would want to have would sometimes be tiresome and would have to travel from your home to the business establishment Making the process long and tedious. But the new era that we are in has made shopping a convenient one. Shoppers now a days would just resort to the services of the internet and surf for the things that they want to have and most specially in looking for the best buys and the sale items. Exspecto - shopping search engine is one of the many sites that shoppers would visit for the site has almost all the necessary things be it for needs or wants. You don't have to go to the establishment itself and fill your cart with the things that you need. All you have to do is just your finger and clicking the mouse. All the items will be included in your shopping cart and will be delivered in your doorstep in no time.
The good old days
I remember those good old days, when the air was clean to breathe, water was clear to drink and the land was full of fresh green vegetation to have healthy food. However a lot of environmental problems now affect the entire world. I am even unable to breath due to this pollute air. Today to drink some fresh water, it has to be purified using several methods. We can find fresh green vegetables no more. According to me, of the various kinds of problems faced by our planet, the depletion of non-renewable natural resources is the major concern.
Personalized Service
Abs-Cbn anchormen Ted Failon tragedy
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Plan of retiring soon
I have been an employee in a pharmaceutical company for the past fifteen year now, and being an employee for this long would sometime haunt your mind and plan to retire. This is true for I am not getting any younger. Just like old folks, a lot of pain could be felt from any parts of the body, making a slight movement would be tiresome. Thus, considering the fact of retiring is not impossible, and if this would be the case I would be force to venture in a business which is easy to handle and the shelling out of capital would be minimal to sustain my existence. I am planning to venture my length of service in Currency Trading for this is the business that would fit my kind of lifestyle. There is no need to pay someone to look for the business that you have ventured on.
Frankly speaking, I have started trading online and saw the potential of gaining more than what I have expected, for all you got to have is a good intuition and a good decision. You should know when to trade and when not to trade, aside from this is reading the news paper. For security only invest in
table decoration
For an easy, elegant table decoration set a series of alternating crystal vases and candles on a fabric runner. Place fresh flowers in each of the vases and surround them with greenery.
Individual flowers are perfect at place settings or attached to name cards. Blending with the casual atmosphere of modern home entertaining, this centerpiece is sure to dazzle guests during afternoon brunch or informal dinners. The candles provide a refreshing combination using the elegance of flowers with the ambience of candlelight.
Meeting friends in the chat room
The internet has made the world so small that it could fit in a clinch fist. Contacting a person or making new friends through chat from other countries is made possible in just a click of the finger. Truly, the internet has made communication a convenient one, unlike before that we have to use the services of the post office and mail man to send as well as to read the mail and not to mention the days that it consume before reaching its destination.
Anime Chat Room is one of the many chat sites that you could visit and get acquainted with local and foreign people, making your list of friends infinite. I my self have joined this site for it is free and easy to navigate, and to tell you frankly I have garnered more than a handful of new friends. Meeting your fiance could be made possible for the people that joins that site are by the thousands making your possibilities of choosing the right person endless.
So if you would want to search for the right person or simply want to have someone to talk to, or get acquainted with, use the internet and looking for the person that you have in mind is just a click away.
Cassia Tree
San Antonio Plumbers
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Video games business
Long Distance Love Affair
Loving someone is most often difficult and strenuous. Strenuous both in health and mind, and strenuous in your wallet too for you have to call long distance most specially if that special someone or the person you love is from another country.
My cousin who is a seaman never had a good relationship with the opposite sex in the past for he is travelling from one continent to the other drilling for oil. It is a sad fact but it is the reality. Long Distance Relationships would often lead to breakups. LDR can be saved and not go to waste for there is a site that specializes in advice's for those people who have this kind of relationship.
Anyone with the talent and proper training for landscaping could start his own home based landscaping business. TRC’s Practical Landscaping Course includes training in ornamental plant production, to give the entrepreneur a huge potential profit margin over the long term. Those just starting out can start it as a hobby. Later they can offer the service as a part-time business or on a freelance basis. Soon they can target large institutional contracts and that’s when the big money starts rolling in.
Reviving the old west
The house that we lived in is just a structure. We really can not admire nor appreciate the beauty unless otherwise we look into what is inside.
I am a fanatic of the old west and my dream house is a log cabin type. Thus, I would like my house to be in the mountains where it is cozy and tranquil and away from the hustle and buzzle of city life and not to mention the pollution. The exterior of the house would be decorated with wooden wheel wagon and a landscape of the old west. The interior would be furnished with rustic furniture to give a contrast of the old folks of the old west.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Keisha is a fanatic of Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez
The perfect company to get the job done on your cooling units
The meeting of Cykie and Keisha for tower making contest
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Video games make good profit
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Caballero plant are sometimes called Thailand plant in Bukidnon
Unauthentic names Authentic names
Pine trees----Norfolk pines /Auricaria
Benguet Pines----Carribean Pines
Caballero Plant----Thailand tree
Kumintang---Chichirica Vinca
These are just a few among the many plants that are just misidentified by the plant growers and plant hobbyist. But as long as you know the plant and you can describe its characteristics, I am pretty sure that the gardener will help you identify the plant you are looking for. HAPPY GARDENING TO EVERYONE!!!
Coffee perks my day everyday
Every morning in any ordinary house would, coffee is always there in the table to start a new day. Coffee perks the senses of the person that drinks it and eliminates the stress to face the day right. Most often or often times coffee is always taken in with biscuit or toast bread with butter or cheese or even chocolate cakes to contrast the flavor and aroma of the coffee.
MAYA EARTH COFFEE is one of the best coffee that you could find in stores and is one of the most sought beverage in the market for the taste and aroma is exquisite, making it a superb concoction. The coffee is also made from one hundred percent pure coffee beans that passes strict quality control to lock in the freshness, making every cup a delectable adventure that never ends making you crave for more every morning or any time of the day.
As for me the coffee is the life line that I resort with daily for without coffee, the the new day that I would be facing is dull making my world gloomy and empty. So if you are like me perk your day with the MAYA EARTH COFFEE and start the new day right.
Dog collar
Many shelters are full of canines that fall under the spell of their nature to roam, but then find themselves behind bars and begging for a new home. Some are lucky enough to have responsible owners who implant microchips and keep updated info, but others are not. If this new tech collar is able to go mainstream with an affordable service for every dog owner, I see great potential in such a product.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Making friends with the seniors
Holy Friday
Blue jazz is just a kilometer away to discover
Making my day busy
Get your masters degree now
Proper way to pull break drums
Sharing tips for cleaning your car engine
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Timeless treasures
Modulator for my I-Pod
Keisha is in Tacurong as cashier
Vacation time
A gardener from Germany is my customer
No one is allowed to eat Pork meat this time
It's holy Thursday today and and its a day of sacrificing. No one is allowed to eat pork meat for the whole family followed the Catholic tradition way. I ate fried egg for my breakfast, beef soup for my lunch and vegetables for my dinner. I feel so healthy this time because of my nutritious food intake. This "No pork meat rule" will run until Saturday and on Sunday will be back again to normal.
Invest wisely
Oil in the water
My best ride

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Cykie is my buddy in my gardening activities
A gardeners visit
The best beauty school
Chris Brown pleads not guilty
Brown, 19, is accused of punching, choking and threatening to kill Rihanna on February 8. The singer was left with “two huge contusions,” a bloody nose and split lip in the attack.
Outside the courtroom, Rihanna’s attorney told People magazine that she is cooperating in the case. “Nothing’s changed with regard to Rihanna’s stance,” said attorney Donald Etra.
If convicted, Brown faces up to four years and eight months in state prison.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Fast & Furious is box office hit

Funnyman Seth Rogen hosts Saturday Night Live on April 4 with musical guest French alternative rock band Phoenix.
During one of the comedy show’s sketches, the 26-year-old actor and SNL regular Andy Samberg Fast & Furious. Watch the hilarious spoof below!
Fast & Furious raced to the top at the box office this past weekend, pulling in a whopping $72.5 million. Monsters vs. Aliens finished in second place with $33.5 million and The Haunting in Connecticut scared up another $9.6 million.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Taylor Lautner and Edi Gathegi got cool attire
The co-star pals are currently staying up in Canada as they film scenes for the much anticipated film "New Moon" - which hits theaters on November 20, 2009.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Web Hosting Providers
Bonding time with my family
Friday, April 3, 2009
Married chat room
Summer job time
Summer Get Away
Summer is the time that most inhabitants of this planet would go out and have fun and vacation with close friends and with relatives. Most often vacations are spent in other countries most specially in the tropics where lash, green vegetation are still intact and the biodiversity of marine life are preserved and away from the hustle and bustle life of the city and be one with nature as well as embracing the warm welcome of the local inhabitants that would serenade you with its native songs. But going to a place that is foreign for a vacation would sometime be tiresome. It would take a couple of days to booked for a plane ticket and not to mention the hotels that you would be staying, which means your expenditures for the trip would escalate.
As for me, I would resort to this site where I could be sure that I would find a Cheap Holiday and cheap hotels from any country I would like to visit. They have all the lists of all the resorts as well as its tourist destination of each country that a vacationer would need to know.
You will be in good hands and safe from travelling from the site that I have mentioned.
Philippine Summer Festival in Vancouver British Columbia
The word is out – summer is coming and so is the first ever Philippine Summer Festival in Vancouver British Columbia.Organized by the PNT-PST Foundation, the day-long festival set to be held in August will be a celebration of Filipino culture and heritage.The festival promises to be the highlight of Filipino-Canadian community’s social calendar. It will be a day for fun, food, music and dance.The festival was inspired by the Filipinos’ love to share the best they can offer to members of their communities, as shown by their fondness to hold “fiestas” all year long.It will also reach out to other ethnicities, inviting people of other racial origins to discover the strength, talent, intelligence, and beauty of the Philippines and its people.The Philippine Summer Festival is an event that celebrates the immeasurable contributions of Filipinos to British Columbia, and the rest of Canada. The festival will be an annual event that is expected to draw support from various organizations and groups.Fiestas as an integral part of Filipino culture, a tradition that is remembered and recreated in various parts of the world where Filipino nationals have gone to work and prosper.In the Philippines, fiestas are celebrated through good times and bad times – the fiesta must go on.Here in British Columbia, the Philippine Summer Festival will be the biggest and most elaborate fiesta of all, binding Filipino-Canadians through good times and bad times. No mater where you are and where you came from, the festival is the venue to rejoice in friendship.