Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Make jewish friends online
Graduation of Ms. Mary Claire Delgado
Help is just a click away
Loan has been an essential part in any life be it by professionals, businessmen and the mere office employees, it has been the life line of the thousands and millions of people to sustain life. As for me, Loan Modificaiton Leads has led me to the site that provides info on loans and has helped me in choosing the right kind of loan to avail through Voice Broadcasting. It has helped me in so many ways and it will also help you. It is just a click away.
Leaves are not green but yellow in color
What we actually see when we look on the beautiful structure of leave, or grasses is not exactly what scientists see. In case a teacher raises a question to the class asking for the color of leave, it would be an amazing question to every one, as majority of students would think the answer is simple and clear. All these who are in this position would have fallen in the same mercy as I fell few years ago, when I was attempting my final exam of biology, where I entered in the same confusion. The truth is that leaves are not green. In the public I deny that, and if this truth will cost my freedom and force me to jail, or exile, I will be willing for that, but I will continue to disagree that leaves are of a green color. The green color which is seen from any point of view, is actually the color of chlorophyll, the green pigment designated to trap sunlight so as to help the plant to manufacture its own food. Since chlorophyll have covered the both sides of leaves people have been easily trapped to conclude that leaves are of a green color. But if any of these people would hold a breath and be patient for a while, would soon discover that leaves are of yellow color.When the chlorophyll finishes its task of manufacturing food, and the color went away, that is where the leave is about to wilt, and its true color without one of the chlorophyll, is now clearly seen. So I would conclude my discussion by insisting that leaves are not of green color, but yellow
Credit Card
With the fast life that we have now and the presence of the twenty first century and its latest innovations, it has uplifted the life of almost all individuals in this planet. It has help ease the the burden of so many things like paying of bills through credit cards. The birth of the credit card has substantially lessen the burden of carrying cash where ever we go. Almost all people including teens now a days have their personal credit cards so as to pay for their tuition fees or buying school items without the company of their parents. This way young adults are trained to be independent.
I, myself would personally recommend young adults to have their own credit cards for their convenience for they will have the freedom to spend wisely and buy things that are of important. They will be trained to budget their money.
I have surfed the net and look for sites that offer credit cards for teens and I have landed in this site http://www.studentcreditcards.com/ and found the credit card that suits my 18 year old daughter. I am planning to get one for her so she will be independent. This is just timely for she will not be living with us this coming school year for she will be with her aunt this coming school year.
Importance of a plant
Did you know that you need ONE LIVE PLANT for every 100 square feet of space to help detoxify the air? Flowers and other plants generate their own special energy (we call it chi in feng shui speak), and create a fresh, healthy admosphere. They also help to raise "dead" energy and encourage a positive lifeforce in any garden or room where the air might be stagnant and unhealthy. This dead energy is given off by dried herbs and dried wreaths, plastics, synthetics, etc.
Success in a Recession
Monday, March 30, 2009
Installing sprinklers in my garden
See you in the football field
Keisha is a Dora fanatic
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Offshore oppurtunity
Make friends online
Keishas curly hair
Keisha has a very straight and shiny black hair but this time she wanted her hair to look very curly. She insisted this time that she will play the role of a fairy and most fairies have curly hair that's why she wanted her hair to be curly also. The picture above is the result after she went to the saloon.
Watch and learn
Am I one of them?
Property abroad
Taking away the virus
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Fast business loans
Keisha Nicole's pre-school graduation
Applying for credit cards
Nanay BB in action
This is nanay BB from Tacurung City and she arrived yesterday morning just to attend Keishas graduation. This picture was taken yesterday morning after the gradutation rites. Keisha poses like a pro and she waves her right hand to her fellow graduates and friends who greeted her Happy Graduation day!!!
Pneumatic Tools
Friday, March 27, 2009
Pictures during the 56th PWC graduation ceremony
I will receive my loyalty award today
Asian Chat Room
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The PWC Pre-school 56th Annual Recognition Ceremony
This is my daughters recognition day and she gave an opening remarks to her fellow graduates on its 56th Annual Recognition ceremony. She got one award and after she delivered the speech, she was congratulated with the school officials and guest. Eventhough I was not around during the ceremony, I am so proud that my daughter Keisha was given the chance to show her talent in speaking infront of many people. It was her first time to speak on stage in front of many people. She memorized the 3 pages speech in only 4 days. Congratulations Keisha, we are so proud of you and love you so much!!!!
Create your website easily
Keishas' fairy school play
Keisha plays the role of a fairy and she played it perfectly. She dances gracefully together with her fellow classmates and friends. It was attended with hundreds of visitors, parents, guardians and school officials. The video above was the actual play of my daughter Keisha entitled "Our Fairy School". Enjoy watching!!!
An answer to your financial problems
Roadhouse treat after the play
After my daughter Keisha plays at school entitled "Our Fairy School" we went to the roadhouse restaurant located at the SM ground floor and ordered our favorite roadhouse Fried Chicken,
Playing at home online
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Our fairy school play
Regine who also plays a very crucial role.
Make friends online

Monday, March 23, 2009
Recognition day
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Read the instructions before playing it online
Agro trade fair occupants pack up on their way home
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Carmen Electras' sexy body
Friday, March 20, 2009
Direct TV is my personal choice
The other day, I was surprised to found out that we already have a DirectTV in our house. Now I can watch more channels and this means I don't have to go out. I can enjoy watching movies, TV shows and others in the comfort of my own house. I don't need to go to the cinemas because there are interesting movies in movie channels. For more information visit this site http://www.blogtelevision.net/ and have you own direct tv.
Completely Tired
Searching the right information
Starting a day with a cup of coffee
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Cash advance loans
Davao City public utility vehicle drivers declare transport strike
Building my home
Preparing as early as possible for the Kadayawan Trade fair this year
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Bankruptcy Records
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Safety first
The 5th Mindanao Bonsai Competition
Lovely birds are here in my garden
Life at the market
Playing my favorite poker game
Araw ng Davao Celebration is a very succesful one
Monday, March 16, 2009
Fire ants in my garden
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Araw ng Davao updates
Safety first
I have been a gambler ever since. You might be asking why is this so? Well the answer is quite simple, I love the game of chance and I love the thrill that it gives me. I am not very much into wining for in the game of chance wining is not everything, there are times you win and some other times you lose.
Being a gambler does not mean not having precautions, in the world that we moved around more particularly in the virtual world, a lot of scams lurk in every corner. Thus waiting for victims to fall in their traps. As for my self, I visit and join in sites that are real and authentic. But how is this made possible? I read reviews and comments that online players left in a site that they have played in. If you happen to read positive feed backs then the site is real if its the opposite then never click any link nor log in or provide any information about yourself. Personally I visit this link http://www.topusaonlinecasinos.com and have the best online casino games there is.
As a word of advice top usa online casino is the best site to join for the stakes are high and the sites playability is superb
Keeping herbs fresh
There are different ways to preserve herbs for later use. You can store them in the deep-freezer. Put chives or pasley into a small plastic container and quick-freeze it. Whenever you need something just take as much as you need and return the rest into the freezer again. When the herbs are defrosted they need to be used quickly. Another method is to dry the herbs. Drying is especially good for herbs you use as tea like mint and lemon balm.
Educating our children
Educating a child is fundamental and is one of the basic necessity's that a child must have and acquire. Being a parent of three kids, I have always see to it that my children gets the best in everything most specially in the field of education which is enveloped by christian teaching. I have sent my eldest son in Southern California Prep School for the teachers are great not only in teaching the academic side but also in teaching the world of the lord making them God fearing and God centered individual.
Christian Preschool San Diego and Southern California Private Prep School has also adopted the kind of teaching that the school that I sent my eldest son thus I enrolled my two daughters here. This decision that I have made is one of the best decisions that I have for my two girls. At an early age they will be equipped with the knowledge of God his works and doings, making them a true Christian in society as they grow up.
So if you are like me who wants to have their children educated in a Christian way and taught by competent teachers in their respective field of specialization visit this link http://www.horizonprep.org/
Herbs that we grow and eat
There is a big variety of herbs available. So when starting you might have a hard time to choose which ones you want to grow. If this happens to you just take a look in your kitchen and see what herbs you already use and start growing these. You don't need to buy them anymore and have the additional benefit of freshness. Over time you will find more herbs you want to grow and you will find how to use them in your meals. The most popular herbs for a private herb garden are basil, rosemary, parsley, chives, sage, mint, lemon balm, dill, bay leaf
Playing it online
Events everywhere
The importance of credit cards
Agro-trade fair participants feel the global financial crisis
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Easy loans
Friday, March 13, 2009
My cellphone needs repair
Find your perfect biker match
Keisha loves nail accesories
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Find your date
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Precious metal