Saturday, February 28, 2009
I am now the leader of the class presentation
Fun in the net
Fun and games are every where You can find them in play grounds, malls, beaches, wilderness and most specially in the internet. Online games are rampant in every corner of the internet and one of the games that I love playing is the US Online Casinos. US Online Casino gives you the thrill that you are seeking and the fun that is incomparable to other games. It is the games that most American would want to play and it is the Online Casinos USA that is well visited by gamblers and thrill seekers alike. for more details of the site visit this link and find out why it is widely visited.
Prolonging the life of a flower
Flowers are often just stored in a water filled vase and then, at one, or at most two weeks, they begin to wilt and loose their splendor. Why not make your stunning red rose bouquet last longer than a week after you have been gifted with them. Warm, not cold water can do wondersAfter receiving your beautiful bouquet of flowers, instantly arrange and pour warm water inside your vase. This would likely hasten the aging of your flowers and will keep the flowers' shape longer.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Keeping your family safe
Am I a professional model?
Does my modelling pictures hits your angle? (giggles). Keisha has a lots of modelling pictures because everytime we go out for dinner or just a plain window shopping, we always bring with us our camera for a clear shot. Keisha loves to pause in front of the camera even if there were persons staring at her. she doesn't mid those people as long as she can make her nice angle shot. She always watch modelling series over the television and that's her favorite show. There were times that she follows the catwalk of those popular models on TV.
The more you know, the more you win
I found the right flower for my daughters presentation
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Christian gifts
Barrack H. Obamas' address to congress
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Playing my favorite game online
It's like a duck under the rain
Diamonds are forever
This coming March 3 is the golden wedding anniversary of my grandparents and I am so excited to attend their wedding ceremony. My grandparents are the ones responsible for my education., they were the one who sent me to schools since from the start until I become a very successful businessman now. I think this is the time that I can also share some of my blessing to the persons who makes a big part of my success. I am planning to surprise them with 2 diamond wedding rings on their special day. Diamonds are said to last forever that's why I chose this precious gem. I visited different Jewelry stores in town but I was not able to choose one for there is no design that I am looking for. I was thinking of looking it over the net so after a couple of hours doing window shopping in the mall in town, I drove back home and opened my laptop computer and browse a couple of sites that offers diamonds wedding rings and luckily I found one site named Blue Nile that offers diamonds and fine jewelries. Blue Nile offers thousands of GIA and AGSL certified diamonds and provides the guidance and education to help you choose the perfect one. Not only that blue Nile also offers Engagement Rings .I have now decided to get my jewelry gift to my grandparents. If you are one of the many persons who are looking for the best diamond ring or jewelries, this is the best site for you to choose from. for more information about the Blue Nile products feel free to visit their site at
The Oscars award
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Helpful sewing tips and tricks
Preparing for this coming Araw ng Davao Celebration to be held at the SM city grounds
Punk chat
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sharing tips and techniques online
Fun in playing
Looking for recreation and fun could be anywhere, it could be by simply playing in your own backyard with your neighbors and friends or simply playing board games with your kids in a sunny afternoon. Others would plan for their recreation, it could be on the beach basking in the summer sun while others would spend time in the wilderness to look for adventure and divert the monotony of rural life.
As for me, I would look for fun in the internet and that is online gambling . It is in online gambling that I found thrill and excitement. It is not all about winning for the game of chance is having luck on your side.
Last week I visited the site and look for the best casino site there is in the net, I am pretty sure that the lists that the site offers are real and authentic. They provide security to their clients for it is a fact that the virtual world is flooded with all the scams and opportunistic people lurking and just waiting for people to fall victims. I don't want to be a victim of these scams that's why I want to assure my self that I am in good hands in playing the game I love.
Bamboo a very useful plant
Bamboo plants play an important role for many humans and animals. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people, mainly in Asia, relying on bamboo plants as a source of income. For animals it is no only a habitat but for Gorillas, Pandas and others it is the preferred or only source of food.
The bamboo plant has also an important commercial value.
Unfortunately the bamboo plant is in danger because of the explosion of population more and more bamboo forests get chopped down. The bamboo plant is a very valuable and versatile raw material. It is used for building complete houses, making closets or other furniture, producing the popular bamboo blinds, carpets or mats.
The bamboo plant is also a perfect solution for your garden, either as a beautiful plant or used as a bamboo fence. The bamboo plant as a fence is becoming more popular because one bamboo is growing very fast and it is cheap. Pruning bamboo plants is no problem as well.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My uncle is a trucker
My uncle has been staying in the United States particularly in Florida for the past six years. He has been a truck driver in a moving company. Being a truck driver is a risky job and perilous. It is having one leg inside the coffin and the other on the highway pavement. You will never know what will happen for accidents will just occur in a wink of an eye no matter how defensive you are in driving.
As a driver in Florida and any city with in the state like Miami, Fort Lauderdale and many other areas you are responsible to prevent an accident. Where one has a opportunity to obtain compensation is in negligence. This is where a Florida Auto Accident Attorney must be experienced. Auto Accident attorneys will assist anyone who has been injured in accident.
One thought to help with a person who has been in accident. Don’t only deal with the insurance company of the other in a Florida car accident. There is a good percentage that you are able to receive compensation for the accident. Florida Truck Accident Lawyers and Florida Auto Accident Attorneys should have credibility to assist you in the case. The Florida Attorneys need to understand the small Trademark Information areas to get you all you deserve in the mishap.
Luckily for the past six years that my uncle had been rendering his services to the moving company, he has never committed any accident nor injury in the free way, but his fellow truckers had. This accidents according to my uncle would usually occur during rainy and snowy seasons where the road pavement is wet and dump and some are caused by teenagers who are under the influenced of either drinking alcohol or drugs. This offenders often end up in prison.
The Sampaguita
Meet and chat tattoo users online
Discovering ideas to cut gardening expenses
Collection Agency
The 300 million 6/49 lotto draw will be this evening
Friday, February 20, 2009
Does your business lacks efficiency and want it to save to be more productive? there is a simple solution to your problem because there is now a Teamwox Groupware that could possibly optimize organizational processes in your company. This Teamwox collaboration tool allows to combine all the corporate information in one place, raise the employees productivity and the efficiency of the whole company. I can say that this product is so effective because it was used lately by my best friend who is also a businessman for 10 years now and he finds good results of using it. It provides more advantage on different feilds namely the Transparency of Work Activities,
This family is a computer lover
I love my kitchen equipments
My African Lovebird
Lexli products is the best for Acne treament

American Idol updates
My blog is visible in the virtual world
I have been blogging for quite sometime now. It is one of the many things that I like doing and it is here that I can express my thoughts, feelings, emotions and personal insights to things and events that are happening in my environment and daily activities. Blogging is an online diary that a lot of people would like to read even surfers a like but the existence of a blog in the vast virtual world would not be possible if you don't get it hosted. Thus, My blog is hosted by . It keeps my blog always available for anyone to read, be it an avid reader or just a surfer who stumbles on my blog.
Gerberas are from the sunflower family, and the variety typically used in floristry is a hybrid created from Gerbera jamesonii and Gerbera viridifolia. A new development is the germini, which was bred for a smaller flower head (about 5cm across) and sturdier stem, keeping it upright for longer.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Chat with the catholic people online
I bought two tickes for the biggest Philippine lotto prize
Get a complete freedom online
Keisha's in Pink
This my daughters new pink hat. She wears it when we are in the garden in Maligaya place. There were a lot of colors available but she likes the pink most. It is so cheap that cost only 5 pesos for one in a Chinese vendor in Uyanguren area. Mika as what we called her and her classmates too as her sobriquet loves pinks so much. The pictures above show that she's in pink all over her body, from her new hat down to her shoes.
Beauty can be bought
Women now a days are very particular with the way they look. They always carry with them make-up kits to enhance their beauty or conceal any blemishes that they have on their skin. They even seek the help of medical professionals abroad to have a make over in their face and body and putting emphasis on the curves so that they will look more gorgeous. Others would have lipo suction to remove the excess fats in their bellies, and others would have breast enhancement to have a seductive look. These are some of the many things that women would go into to make themselves more beautiful, attractive and more pleasing to the eyes of the opposite sex. But the professional skills vary in every continent,
Breast Augmentation Prices can be cheaper in Europe and expensive in the United States.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Book recycling
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Cut the monotony
All people inhabiting in this planet need not work always, There are times that we need rest and recreation to cut the monotony of life. Some would go to the park during Sundays with friends and families and have a simple lunch, others would go to beaches and bask under the suns heat and have their skin tanned. Others most specially women would spend more time malling or buying clothes and accessories as well as cosmetics to deviate their attention of the work at home and their responsibilities to their husband and kids. But this endeavor does not mean doing it always and elude their responsibility but just simply having fun. Men on the other hand would Play Blackjack Online and gamble, this is often done during the end of the work day and usually at night time. They frequently visit and have fun and enjoyment with the game of chance.
The main point here is to have fun and not breaking your back with the burden of life. Things has to be balanced in order to enjoy life to the fullest.
When Hibiscus flowers are mentioned, many visualize the exotic red blossom pinned in the hair of a woman. The Hibiscus - one of the most beautiful flowers in the world - comes in numerous colors, shapes and sizes. Some have single petals, others double or crested, and some do not open fully.
Sizes vary from tiny to 10-12 inches.The flower of each species of the Hibiscus has its own individuality. The colors and the combinations are fabulous. Hibiscus come with romantic names like Sun Showers, Midnight Blue, Silver Shadow and Sunny Moon to name a few.
This dream flower is in great demand for decorative purposes, and this demand has developed into a big business.
Find your dream property here
Gardening time for a perfect weather

Get the lowest airfare for people on the call

Monday, February 16, 2009
Im a plant hobbyist
Preparing for the Araw Ng Davao celebration
Saturday, February 14, 2009
know the strategies and guide before playing the game
Bonding moments on Valentine's Day
I am your lucky charm
The valentines day celebration
You can't have it all
It is really true that you cant have it all, Last year I was introduce to a game called Blackjack. Blackjack is a card game that is easy to play all you have to do is total the value of the two cards to twenty one and if your cards has a sum of twenty one then you win. And just last year I had it all, I was very lucky and very lucky indeed. I don't know how you would call it but others would say that it was beginners luck. the cards that would fall on my hands would some up to twenty one and sometimes would fall short to eighteen and nothing less. So I would say that I am very lucky indeed.
Things turned the other way as the year of the ox came in 2009. My cards are not that good compared to last year. The bounty of last year was the irony this year. I kept on loosing and to tap it all luck was not in my side.
Anyway playing Online Blackjack in is fun but there is one good thing that I have learned in engaging in a game of chance and that is "you can't have it all" it is the fun that is important and winning would just come in second.
Oregano a wonder plant
If someone says Oregano, it is likely that you will think in terms of cuisine. You would be right as most people do think of Oregano is sauces and so forth. However, there are actual medicinal properties to Oregano as well. Oregano makes a luscious cup of savory tea that works well for gas, indigestion, bloating, coughs, urinary problems, bronchial problems, headaches, and swollen glands and to induce and regulate a woman's menstrual cycle. Others swear that is can cure fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, and same jaundice.
Bored but not quite
Having fun is a must whether we are young or old for it is an outlet to do away stress. just like me, an ordinary employee who works in the office six times a week for eight hours a day from eight o'clock in the morning to five in the afternoon. With this scenario, it is very clear that it would take a lot of guts to sustain the boredom of routinary work for the past fifteen years, and it did sustain the boredom for we in the office see to it that we had fun like playing Bingo in Online Bingo Sites .
Monday is the start of a whole week of office work and when Saturday comes, we are rejuvenated for it is the time to have fun and enjoyment with co workers and friends and even relatives that are also into playing bingo.145
We see to it that we had our dinner before playing and most often the viand would be grilled fish or beef or even pork. we had a drink or two of red wine and have a short chat, after which its time to play the game in . Bingo is really fun and it helps a lot cutting the monotony of office work.
Flower a symbol of expression
In the modern world, we interact with groups of people, we go out on dates to see if we have 'chemistry', and finally, we spend a lot of time and effort trying to win over the object of our affection. Valentine's Day is a celebration of all of these aforementioned themes, and so it makes sense that the most widely distributed gifts on Valentine's Day are flowers.
Flowers are the perfect gift for someone that you are interested in and Valentine's Day is the perfect avenue for you to express yourself. Giving flowers to someone that you do not know so well might not be socially acceptable on other days of the year, but no so on Valentine's Day. It is accepted and understood that Valentine's Day is the yearly opportunity for us to truly express how we feel about any romantic feelings that we may have towards someone.
The best management software
Unusual location
Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones
ICRC kidnapped victims must be released and the government should do something to put an end to this negative elements downsouth
Friday, February 13, 2009
Fruit salad for valentines day dessert
Playing like a PRO
Playing poker is difficult for any neophyte most specially if you are not into playing card games. I myself had a hard time playing this game, you got to have a poker face as all players would say in order to elude the players to bet more. Another trait that should be learned by any poker player is the ability to read cards and the actuation's of any players. Video Poker Online has all the techniques that a player should know as well as the strategy in playing.
Playing the game is quite easy but mastering and learning the strategies need concentration even the best players can commit mistakes. If you want to learn the basics and the advance methods I would highly recommend for this site has taught me a lot, though I haven't mastered the art of eluding I might as well say that I'm in the process of learning.
This weekend me and my buddies have agreed to go to a casino and put to test what we have learned so that we can gauge our skill from a simple beginner to a highly sophisticated professional. But our going to the casino is not for winning but for fun and enjoyment.
Prices of Roses on valentines day is too high
A good site that provides guides and reviews to online casino
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy valentines day to my loving wife and daughter Keisha
Jackpot lotto price is 165 million pesos today
Know the rules and tips before playing the online blackjack game
Health conscious
Online slots
Keishas' valentines activity at school
Play the games you like from the convenience of your own personal computer.
I ended up eating my own ice cream flavor
Playing my favorite blackjack online
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Will i get the 145 million Lotto jackpot prize?
Comparing the past from the present
My grand father was very astonished of the twenty first century, according to him during his good old days when he was still young everything was manual. If you want to wash your clothes you have to do the washing manually. there were no washing machines that would help you nor any dryer to dry your clothes. Having fun was very simple then. If you have a special someone you take her to a movie and get pop corns to eat but if you don't have any money spend looking on a clear night sky would be fine on top of a car hood. To tap it all everything was simple and not complicated. But today, with the birth of the internet almost all are made easy, buying and acquiring things are just a click away from the mouse. Even casinos are made Online Casino were all the games that you could find in a land base casino are the same the only difference is you can play in the comforts of your home and not go to any casino establishment.181
My grand father is a casino player during his time. Now that he has retired from work and have a hard time walking for he is old. He still plays some of the casino games online and he visits to have fun.
Valentine's Day is for all walks of life
Valentine's Day is not only a celebration dedicated to lovers any more!
It is also a friendship and family holiday. So, if you are single and if lots of your friends and their friends are also single prefer to organize a Valentine's Day party instead of staying at home watching a romantic movie.
A Valentine's Day party is also a great opportunity to meet new people: invite your friends and ask them to invite their unmarried friends too.
If you have children, celebrate this holiday with them. The more people you invite, the more your party will be a success!
Set an entertaining party theme such as Grease, Hairspray, Flower Power, Salsa, etc. and decorate your house with white, pink and red items such as heart garlands, cherubs, couples of birds, ...
I am a neophyte
I have never been to a Casino nor got to play any casino games for I am not into gambling or the game of chance. Last week my office mate had a wild imagination of going to a casino and play some games that a casino offers. I was very sceptical and very much reluctant for I am really not into this kind of endeavor. I told him to change his insights and instead of going to a casino why not go to a beach and have fun and bask in the sun. He said, we have always been under the heat of the sun and I want to change the fun and excitement to a spine tingling and thrilling sensation and it is here in a casino that we could experience this. He convinced me to go and play some of the games that the casino offered. It was fun and the experience we had was good. was the site we visited and tried some of the games. We had fun and laughter and almost tried almost all the games with the help of some friends who are casino players. This coming Saturday evening after office we will be gambling again not to win but to have some fun.
Just timely for Valentine's day
My friend had an accident
My best friend who has been in the United States for the past six years now as a travelling nurse recently got an accident while he was on his way to a Massachusetts hospital. As a travelling nurse, he gets to travel most of the time depending on his assignment. He stays in a place for a brief time like three to four months after which, he has to vacate and go to another place or even city.
Anyway, the accident happened when he was transferring his things from Los Angeles to Massachusetts, if you are to look on a map of the United States the places I have mentioned are very far a part. He decided to bring his things in a car rather than take a plane for the reason that he wants to see the sites as he cruises the interstate. While he has driving the wet pavement of the road he was bumped from behind by a drunk driver, his car tires skid the wet pavement and eventually his car capsized. My friend got bruises and a fracture in his right leg, luckily he did not get any head injury for he has his car air bag.
To put the drunk driver in custody he seeks the help of massachusetts oui lawyer and to mention collect damages that the driver committed on him and for his hospitalization. is a site that has the best lawyers in massachusetts and all the professional help that you need will be answered here.
The use of plants in the office
Many businesses are finding that a good way to improve morale and create a more pleasant working atmosphere is with the use of office plants. Plants at your place of business bring the outdoors in and make employees feel more connected with nature while they are inside. This improves their feeling of well-being.
Women wearing Hibiscus in Hawaii
In Hawaii, they say that a woman wearing a hibiscus behind her right ear is single, and a woman wearing a hibiscus behind her left ear symbolizes that she is taken. Red hibiscus flowers are also very popular. Many of the silk Hawaiian flowers you find on Hawaiian print dresses and shirts are hibiscus flowers.
The most popular Hawaiian flowers include the orchid, the anthurium, ginger, the protea, and the birds of paradise. Exotic garlands, flower leis, and beautiful tropical arrangements are great for any occasion.
Easy to play
There are a lot of games that you could enjoy playing. There are games that makes you exercise your body and sweat and there are games that gives you thrill and excitement. The game that I am talking about is the Slot Machine. This game is found basically in all casino establishments and this is just one of the many games that casino offers to their players. Personally, in my own point of view, the slot machine is the easiest game that any casino player could learn. A person who seeks fun and enjoyment and wants to play the slot has only two things to do: first, is to insert the token or coin in the slot machine. Second, is to pull the lever and that's it. If you are lucky, a corresponding combination has its prize money and if you get the four number seven you hit the jackpot.
Any player who wants to try their luck in the game of chance could visit this link and for sure you will enjoy the games it offers for this is an authentic site that secures their players from any scam and the prizes at stake are big and you will really have fun and enjoyment.