Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Explainations about acquiring pageranks

Many of website owners and bloggers have difficulty on understanding pageranks. They keep on asking each and every website owners online on how get good pageranks so that they will have more oppurtunities to encounter and good offers to do. Advertisers usually look for sites that have a good number of pagerank simply because sites that with good pageranks have a lot of frequent visitors, more readers, interesting contents and advertisers are very much attracted to that because if they send their oppurtunity to a higher rank sites results would be good because more readers can see their product reviews and eventually their will be more chances of the company to recieve visitors from the said high ranking websites. Pagerank is so easy to acquire as long as you know how to deal with your site. You should also know how to deal with your domains and filenames to be able to get good pagerank. As a Webmaster, you are usually the owner, author, developer, and or programmer of a certain site. In other words, you are the caretaker and overseer of the site and your main goal is to drive as many visitors as you can to your site. Website statistics will be your best tool to help know how many visitors you have driven to your site and what strategies are working for you.
Website Traffic Statistics will help you know what part of your site is weak and needs improvement. The website statistic programs will record and save to log files all the traffic to your website. It will help you answer the basic questions needed to assess the performance of your website. These questions include information regarding your visitors, where are they coming from, how do they get in and leave your website, and the keyword they use on search engines to locate your site. These factors are critically important to a Webmaster in order to assess the performance of the site and to make further improvement for the growth and development of his site.
There is a need for every Webmaster to have a website statistic program if they want their website to grow. The usual content of a website statistic program includes hits, visits, Kbytes, referrers, entry and exit pages and search strings. Hits refer to the number of request made to the server. It gives important information like what file type and which page in the server are getting the most number of hits. Visits refer to the number of actual visitors that visited the site. It is an important statistic and will tell you whether your site is getting high or low traffic. If it is getting low traffic, then maybe it is time for you to customize your site. On the other hand, Kbytes measures the data being transfer and is useful for tracking downloaded data. Referrers are sites or search engines that links in to your site. This will give you idea from where and how much traffic you are getting. The entry and exit pages, from the name itself, will tell you which page visitors enter and leave your website. Last but not the least, the search strings refer to the keywords visitors usually use to find your site. Analyzing which keyword your visitors are using in the search engines will tell you what is working and what is not. In addition, you can look to see which pages create errors every time visitors visit your site and allow you to fix probable problem areas
The most popular website statistics programs are Awstats, Webalizer and Analog and they usually comes free of charge. You may ask your web host how to access your website statistics or may ask them to activate it if you do not have it running yet. You can log in and view your website statistic anytime. You may view it in tabular or graphical form, which is usually broken down into monthly and daily averages. The most important thing you should be able to see in your website statistic program is the number of visitors you are able to drive to your site. If there is a decrease in the number of your visitors or worst they have stop visiting your site, then there must be something wrong in your site. The nice thing about website statistics is that it gives you the opportunity to customize and improve your site as soon as you see problems.

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