As the global recession dominates the planet, it is a good thing to find ways to earn income in this present situation. My uncle a retired navy Has sought ways to earn income for his monthly pension is not enough to meet his expenses most specially to sustain his medicines. Since my uncle is a hobbyist in collecting rear coins, he has invested his time and his small savings in earning money. At first it is difficult to be known by some other hobbyist but as time goes by and having new friends in the field of coin dealing and with the help of a rare coin dealer his perseverance has pave way of being known in the field.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Aquarius Flower Oils
Flower oils bridge the gap between orally taken flower remedies, such as the Bach Flower Remedies, and essential oils. Whereas flower remedies are made by floating flowers in water in direct sunlight, flower oils use oil as the medium. Flower oils are made by leaving the flowers of a plant in oil in direct sunlight (solarization) for a maximum of three hours, absorbing only the vibrational impulse of the flower in the oil.
Generally, the vibrational impulses of flower oils are used to treat different conditions from essential oils, although flower oils can be added to the latter to maximize the benefits achievable through massage. As no chemicals are contained in the flower oils, they are very safe to use.
Two oils are described, together with their specific uses: Margarita, whose impulse is universal expansion; and Persian Lilac, whose impulse is to serve, to help, to heal and to share our gifts with others. Three brief case studies are also presented illustrating the successful use of Mullein (for opening up new possibilities) in a case of manic depression; Euphorbia (to nourish and nurture), together with Bougainvillaea (to strengthen resolve) in treating stress; and Morning Glory (to concentrate), Bougainvillaea and Euphorbia for feelings of self-disgust and self-hatred.
Simon France is co-creator of Aquarius Flower Remedies. He continues his work producing, marketing and teaching about flower remedies and the potential applications of flower oils.
What is Swine Flu?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Add power to your diesel engine
Internet cafe is a dream business of mine
My new tv set
Baguio City
Originally, Baguio City was a settlement camp of American troops during their occupation in 1900s where they patterned the architecture of houses and buildings after their homes in the United States. And to easily access the neighboring towns, they have constructed Kennon Road; a highway known for its narrow and challenging turns. Apparently, this changed its peaceful face to a city of merchants and uncontrolled migrants from surrounding towns. When Americans left, more settlers invaded the thriving city and soon turned into a crowded district of mixed locals and vacationing tourists who come mainly for its temperate climate.
Computer boxes and its components is now ready for delivery
The Spa
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Keisha Loves Hannah Montana and also her mom Lyhra

I love playing video games
Last Friday, I saw my friend's Video Game Console and it was the best I ever saw. It has so many video games installed on it and has a great Video Game Controllers. I have my own too at home but I need to install more games on it. For it has just some few games. I am upgrading it soon to accommodate more games and storage space will not be a problem.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I'm not good nor expert in different aspects of works but I know everything "I am just a handy man"

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Modern furnitures
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Pirated CD's
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Kadayawan Festival 2009 is fast approaching
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My "Satellite TV"
The twenty first century is the birth of all or should I say almost all of the amenities that relaxes our mind. Just like my Directv that I recently bought from an appliance store. It has become the object of my relaxation every time I come home from the office. I get to see all the T.V. series that I loved most specially the late night soap operas and the world news. Aside from the local channels that I have in my tv, I also get the chance to watch other channels through the Satellite TV Providers that is installed in my television set.
Satellite TV Equipment could range from a simple television set to the flat screens, the choice is yours depending on your taste and viewing the best shows that you would want to see is just a click away from your remote control.
The truth about sleep
Blessed sleep -- the holy grail of health. Lack of sleep can send your blood sugar levels skyrocketing, contribute to weight gain, lead to depression, put you at risk for diabetes, and cause brain damage.
Relax and Unwind
Having a time out from a long office work is the best time to unwind yourself and relax in a beach resort. This is the time that is very suitable to have fun and bask under the heat of the sun or just simply have a massage to sooth and relax those tired muscles that you have incurred in the office. Myrtle Beach Resort is the best place to have all the things you need to relax. It has all the amenities to captivate your eyes and relieve the stress for it has a wonderful view of the mirror flat water of the sea and the lush marshlands that you could take a stroll. Myrtle Beach Resorts is a tourist destination and is known all over the world for its renowned world class services and facilities. With regards to accommodation, Myrtle Beach Accomodations is just a click away on your computer mouse. They have online booking to accommodate visitors in a fast and easy way.
Back sleepers
Back sleepers are unique in that a firm, but soft pillow feels the best. Back sleepers need cervical neck support, but also need less pressure on the back of the head. Contour shaped pillows are perfect for this. They are designed with a valley for the head and an arch for the neck. The nice thing about that shape is that if you end up rolling to your side, you'd still receive the same benefit as a side sleeper. That is, support for the neck with less pressure on the head. Contour pillows are usually made from a pressure relieving memory foam.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Zac Zarian is a good agriculture magazine editor
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Final goodbye Michael Jackson
Monday, July 6, 2009
Keisha loves to study her lesson everyday
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Special Force is the most played internet game
Friday, July 3, 2009
Finding your car in the net
I like Volkswagen cars above any other car brands that's why when my friends ask me what kind of car I'd like to buy, I always say Volkswagen. I have decided to buy one Used Volkswagen Cars.
manny Pacquiao belongs to the top 6 of the richest sportsman in the world
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Kayaking is my favorite sport
The new Wake Board in Davao City is located beside my parents farm property
Wake boarding is very popular now a days in here in the Philippines we have only one place to come when it comes to the favorite outdoor adventure wake boarding and it is in Cam Sur. The popular establishment is widely visited by the wakeboard enthusiast all over the world. most local celebrities frequently visits this kind of outland adventure for it gives thrill and fun to every participant and I am so happy to announced that there is another wake board place that is presently constructed by the engineers and builders of this new Deca Homes of Davao City. It is located in Mintal Davao City particularly at the Tacunan area beside the Deca Homes subdivision that is an adjacent property of my parents farm property. It is really huge when it comes to area. I visited yesterday the site and they are making an island like. The residents said that this is more beautiful than the existing Cam Sur wake board. It is a wakeboard with in a commercial establishments and park. I am very much happy to know that they are making a wake board place because there will be more people to visit the said area and lots will eventually inflate its price per square due to this outland adventure that the Deca Homes are developing.