Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mango Harvest time going for 30 tons

We went to the farm for harvesting activity. The contractor in the name of Nick Zabate who contracted the Mango for three consecutive season already was still eager to go for thirty tons of mango fruits for today's harvest. I computed the number of kilos rough estimate only and it coincides with his rough estimates also. We were very happy harvesting the fruits and managing the 50 persons both harvesters and haulers. On the other hand the harvesters were very glad that they found out that Mr. Zabate used his 2 units of 4 wheel drive cab to carry the containers from the farm to the scaling area wherein groups of pilers will be the one to carry by hand and load it to the 6 wheeler truck in preparation for the loading transfer to the ten wheeler truck that was waiting outside the farm.. After two days of harvesting, we finished the whole 300 plus fruit bearing mango trees and we have loaded 28 tons of mango fruits.


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