Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This is my landscaped design

The final result of my landscaped design using a landscaping software
Is it beautiful?

During the construction of the pond.

layout time...

The pond installation using the welded wire screen and the laminated sack for water sealant.

A few days ago, I designed a landscape plan using one of the landscaping softwares that I myself downloaded. At first it is so difficult to execute since I still have to study first its function and navigation of the said software but after several days of practice I discovered different techniques and became easy for me to plan and after my landscape design was finished I submitted it to the client and luckily it was accepted. It was a two weeks work project and I can say that I did my best because the client was so happy of the result. I would like to show some of my pictures taken during the construction and the final result of the project. The above pictures is the actual result of the plan.

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