Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Inquiry about the wedding requirements at the Saint Francis of Asisi

I went to the church yesterday afternoon to inquire about wedding requirements for my sister Altesse. I asked different questions to the officer in charge about everything they need for the wedding. They said that couples should attend a pre-canna seminar. It is a pre-requisite wedding seminar for the couples and also they need to be interviewed by the priest. Interviews will be held during Wednesday only every 8 to 11 in the morning and pre-canna will be held during Saturdays and Sundays only of the week. The three thousand pesos that the church are asking is inclusive of the flowers along the isle, the soloist and the pianist. I think all the details that my sister
Altesse needs have answered already. I just hope that they can arranged their wedding as soon as possible to avoid panicking during wedding preparation.

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