Friday, February 13, 2009

Fruit salad for valentines day dessert

Early this morning when me and my family were in the garden doing some stuff, we both planned what we will do this coming valentines day which is tomorrow.
there were lot of plans and ideas that we discussed until we go home at exactly 5 in the afternoon and prepared our dinner. After a couple of minutes after finished eating my dinner, I immediately suggested to my wife if she wants to eat some fresh fruits with nestle cream and milk as its dressings and she said yes because I know that thing is her favorite dessert too which I also love it. We immediately get dressed and drive the van to the nearest mall in town and buy the necessary ingredients for the dessert that my family love "The assorted fruits salad". This is our dessert for the Valentines day. I am sure that this is so delicious because Lyhra knows how to prepare it perfectly.

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