Thursday, January 29, 2009

Monotony of being an office employee

I am an ordinary employee in a pharmaceutical company. As we all know, the life of a common laborer is very much routinary and boring this is true and is a fact. Every morning we wake up early, take a bath have our breakfast and off to work so as to avoid traffic and not be late in the company coaster. This is the scenario everyday, from Monday to Friday and even on Saturdays for other companies extend there work hours. With this scenario at hand, Me and my office mates make it a point to break the monotony of our daily lives. We see to it that we have fun during the end of the day and this would took place every after office hour in the afternoon of Friday. It is here that we get our bar-b-que grill and grill some fish or stake and have fun and after which we would play our best game, Poker. We would even go out and have a drink or two in a bar just to enjoy ourselves for the following week would be another day in a big world and the monotony of the work would be all over again.

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