Friday, October 24, 2008

Life is beautiful!!! Live it!!!

A story about love that is worth to be practiced

I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me. Once when we weresitting at the edge of a swimming pool, she filled the palm of her handwith some water and held it before me, and said this:"You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love."This was how I saw it: As long as you keep your hand caringly open andallow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if youattempt to close your fingers round it and try to posses it, it willspill through the first cracks it finds.This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love...theytry to posses it, they demand, they expect... and just like the waterspilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you .For love is meant to be free, you cannot change its nature. If there arepeople you love, allow them to be free beings.Give and don't expect.Advise, but don't order.Ask, but never demand.It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime totruly practice. It is the secret to true love. To truly practice it, youmust sincerely feel no expectations from those who you love, and yet anunconditional caring."Passing thought... Life is not measured by the number of breaths wetake; but by the moments that take our breath away.....Life is beautiful!!! Live it!!!

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