Monday, September 22, 2008

My tips in checking car batteries

A multi-tester set to 50 DCV output

A 12 volts battery with 15 plates

Last week, my car was not in good condition. I experienced hard starting in my car engine. I check all the possibilities of its irregular condition and I found out that the car battery was already weak. Why I said so? A car battery should mark a level of 13 to 15 volts output with all the accessories open including air condition. My car battery marks 13 already that's why I experienced hard starting sometimes. I bought a new 12 volts battery named Mega force with 15 plates. It has a built in indicator to know its battery condition. The battery supplier also gave me a 12 months warranty. I am happy now because my car engine starts quickly. I would like to share some of my tips so that readers of this site will also know how to check their car battery. First you need to have a multi-tester, a device where you can check the level of your battery. Second, connect the measuring terminal-positive to the positive terminal of the battery and the negative terminal of the multi tester to the negative terminal of the battery then set the multi tester to 50 DC voltage output then, start the engine then open all the accessories that your car have , then check the meter. Your mark level should fall under 13 to 15 voltage output. If your level falls below the 13 voltage output , then there must be something wrong with the battery or it can be a troubled alternator.

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