Monday, August 4, 2008

A Package from Australia

A week ago A friend of my wife visited us here to give some items from Australia. This girl is one of the participants of the world youth day that was held in Australia. Since my wife's sister is working in the said place as a nurse. She handed some items such as leather sandals and kids stuff to her who was going back to her homeland Philippines. The items are really good most specially to the sandal because it is made up of high quality materials. My wife Lyhra likes it so much. It is really perfect for him regarding the style and design and the fit. The things were really different compared to what we have here because most of the items here are made in china with poor quality materials. I think the manufacturers and businessmen intentionally did that thing for they know that they are going to deliver their items to one of the poor countries in the world that people can't afford to buy expensive items.

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