I am proud owner of a beauty parlor. This business is the fruit of my labor after studying the skill of beautifying people. In order to gain knowledge, selected the best among beauty schools that offers the course. I used to be an ordinary hair cutter until I decided to push through with my dream of having my own parlor. Now that I have completed my beauty course, I have attracted many people into my own beauty parlor. I even serviced Hollywood personalities, I am so happy to have studied the beauty course at Regency Beauty Institution. I have already encouraged some of my friends to follow my footsteps so that they would also know the proper techniques in cosmetology which they can also use if they want to start a career in the beauty industry. So, if you want to gain knowledge and experience about beautification select now one of the best beauty schools in town and start to build your own career in the world of beautification.
Congrats on living your dream! Great blog!