Monday, July 21, 2008

My new dress up toy

My daughter Keisha is so interested in playing dress up toys. She told me that if she got a perfect score in her exam I will buy her a dress up toy. The results of their examination is so good but unfortunately she got 1 mistake only and she ask me if she still got a toy for she has a mistake and I still said yes. Eventhough you have one mistake I will still buy your favorite dress up toy for you really tried to get a perfect score. Yesterday night, we go straight to the mall particularly in the toy kingdom to buy her favorite dress up toy and right now she is playing and trying to discover new design and fashion accessories that she could install it in her dress up toy. As a father, I am really proud of her since she got good grades in her school and has a good study habit. I hope she will get an honor award at the end of her schooldays.

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