Thursday, May 15, 2008

An Enterprise Access Governance Solution

The revolutionary changes in our economic environment do requires changing businesses behavior, policy, management regulations, views that comply to government regulations and business goals. Running a company is not only increasing profitability, but also requires equal handling between business goals, customer benefits and government policies. Not many businesses who practice an honest management because administrative leadership is poor, regulation compliance is poor or weak, government as well is not consistent or lenient to the public. These are the three major sources of business irregularities. Many businesses complies policies and regulations on they’re benefit, but neglect to check marginal benefits of the customers, and sometimes disobeying government regulations. These negative factors could lead to the down-side of the business goals and eventually could cause business to collapse.
To correct this poor compliance tools. The businesses needs the help and services of Aveksa, the company has proven records of success and contribute consultancy, compliance tools based on modules, software and people with expertise. The tools that Aveksa use are based on analytics that measures the economic side of the company and non-economic side mostly measure the managements, written policies and regulations. The Aveksa company will help you’re business re-polish your goals, narrow the business targets, and provide transparent system that skewed from the company to government regulations. That means the businesses regulations and policies transparencies could benefit to the businesses itself, to the general public, government and to the workforce. Hidden issue and agenda are quick to notice or easy to track, the systems are fully mechanized and policies are strictly follows based on the management hierarchy system. Every management is in control, that is, there are check and balance, then monitor and evaluation. Business success is always based on the effective and workable system, from management side, economic side and the goals.

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